Dem Front Runners at Yearly Kos
Published Wednesday, August 8, 2007 by Bones | E-mail this post
Here are 3 "break-out" Q&A sessions with the Dem front runners from the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago that wrapped up a few days ago.
Johnnie E and
Barack, via
Talking Points Memo.
Sorta cheezy little moment at the start of Barack's Q&A, but the rest of it is pretty good. He manages to stick to his talking points while still sounding sincere. And exactly as I've heard, he's an excellent speaker. He's smart, that's clear. He knows what's important to us, that's also clear. I'm just still not quite convinced he's got the oomph and killer instinct to truly lead this nation to a better future.
John Edwards is fired up, and he chose a podium-less format to highlight his "I'm just like you" theme. But there is still something about him that doesn't quite work. He's both too folkys and too lawyerly for me. Not that there's anything wrong with being a laywer, it's just not the style of President I'm looking for. The questions are a little strange for him, though, so he doesn't get to talk about the same types of issues as the other two.
Hillary gets some great crowd responses, and she does an excellent job. I trust her to be moral, clear-headed and strong when it comes to the important decisions that need to be made, and to do it with a deft touch. She seems to have a better grasp on the vast number issues that are at stake. Barack talks about 'hope' and 'change' while Hillary talks specifics. I like that. She seems more real, and more firmly grounded than the other two.
What about you? Which did you like and why? Have you been watching the debates? Let me know.
Each of these clips are less than 9 min long, so do take the time to watch them. Provided we keep the Diebolds out of the voting rooms and the chads out of Florida, one of these 3 people will probably be our new President.
I only wish the election were yesterday.