Here's a petition to sign from the ACLU demanding that Congress get its act together and revoke the sweeping changes to the FISA laws that were just put through so that the Dems could go home for vacation and not have the Repubs and W paint them as "soft on terrorism."
Instead, now we can label the Democratic leaders of the Senate and House who let this happen--as well as all those other fearful Dems who actually voted for it--as the weak, pandering, rubberstamp fools that they are. They were voted into power in Congress to stop this bullshit, not make it worse!
I really don't understand how they can both want to fire AG Speedy G *and* give him even more power to determine which Americans the government can spy on. Stupid doesn't even begin to cover it. Here's
a post from Firedoglake that highlights Representative Sestak's concerns about these new laws, and why he voted against them.