federal insipid stupidity activity

Romero on Colbert

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Anthony Romero was on the Colbert Report, but it kinda sucked. Way too much shouting over one another and stupid contradictions by Colbert. I know he's playing the part, but I think with this one, he took it a bit too far. I know Colbert believes in what the ACLU is fighting for, and he really didn't do their fight any good by just parroting the idiots that typically disparage their efforts.

There were moments that the interview almost worked, but then Colbert would once again start shouting spurious arguments and obviously inane retorts.

Or maybe I just don't like Colbert that much.

Also, the one thing neither of them mentioned is that if you join the ACLU at the $30 a year membership level (or higher), you will get a free copy of Romero's new book In Defense of Our America. Do it. Invest in liberty. It's good for you, and it will let you sleep better.



