federal insipid stupidity activity

Be Back Soon

Taking a vaca this week in the Northeast. More accoster. next week.

Seriously people, it is time to stop fucking around. Do you give a shit about the Constitution? Do you care, at all, about what the Bill of Rights actually *says*? It is time--long past time, really--for everyone to get their heads out of their collective, complacent asses and hold this Administration accountable for completely undermining the basic tenets of our (now obviously) fragile democracy.
The American Civil Liberties Union called on Congress today to reaffirm itself as an equal branch of government and vote to hold White House officials in contempt for refusing to cooperate with legitimate congressional subpoenas. Calling this a constitutional crisis that threatens to destroy the separation of powers, the ACLU reminded Congress that its oversight and legislative role are vital.

The word "duh" does not even begin to express the amount of asskicking and faceslapping I want to do to Congress to somehow wake them the hell up.

Start. Doing. Your. (gavelbanging, fundraising, privatejetflying) Job.

No one is going to do it for you, or more importantly, for us. And apparently, I have to remind you again, LIBERTY CANNOT DEFEND ITS FUCKING SELF. Neither can the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights.

People, actual humans like you and me, we have to defend those inanimate pieces of paper that are filled with profound and amazing ideas (and ideals.) There are other people in our country that would prefer to white-out, tear-up, dis-regard, ig-nore and de-stroy the rules and instructions that make our country work. These 'other people' are the individuals that make up the highest levels of our government, and Congress must do everything in its power to stop them.

Our Constitutional Republic is at stake. When will Congress awake?

Romero on Colbert

Anthony Romero was on the Colbert Report, but it kinda sucked. Way too much shouting over one another and stupid contradictions by Colbert. I know he's playing the part, but I think with this one, he took it a bit too far. I know Colbert believes in what the ACLU is fighting for, and he really didn't do their fight any good by just parroting the idiots that typically disparage their efforts.

There were moments that the interview almost worked, but then Colbert would once again start shouting spurious arguments and obviously inane retorts.

Or maybe I just don't like Colbert that much.

Also, the one thing neither of them mentioned is that if you join the ACLU at the $30 a year membership level (or higher), you will get a free copy of Romero's new book In Defense of Our America. Do it. Invest in liberty. It's good for you, and it will let you sleep better.

Bad Hours

Well I couldn't post last night 'cause I wasn't feeling too good about the job. After another very successful night in the Sunset, and after the paperwork was done and everyone else went home, the Director and I talked about the Asst. Director position. The outcome wasn't at all what I expected, or hoped for. He told me it wasn't going to work out.

It had nothing to do with my abilities or potential, though. He knew I could do it, and we work extremely well together. The bottom line is, he also knew the time requirements would not work for me, and he was right. The job requires 80-90 hours a week and that is simply far too much working for me to ever feel comfortable with. And that doesn't even get into the pay, which is absolutely ludicrously low. 24k a year is practically poverty level! Okay, well, maybe not quite that, but you know what I mean.

I'm annoyed at the whole situation, frankly. I want to do this. I want to be able to do this. I'm not happy that the company I work for is not able to provide a living wage for someone like me that is extremely passionate about the work and excels at it, but isn't willing to sacrifice everything in order to do it.

Perhaps I'm being naive. Maybe this is just how it goes in political grassroots organizing. Maybe no pay and endless hours are simply par for the course, but to me this seems rather extreme in both directions.

Choices are going to be have to made. My number one priority is my personal life. Lu and I need time to hang out and have fun. I want friends over for dinner, week night rock shows, time to read and write and go hang out with buddies for a poker game. There is simply no way I can work 90 hours a week, getting paid about $6 an hour.

But on the other hand, I've never had a job that I connected with so deeply. I love how gritty and real it is. I love being out on the street, talking to people about the issues. I love getting my team pumped up, being a leader and resource for them.

I have a lot to think about, I know, and I can only hope that good decisions, a supportive wife, and the wild froth of life will help me thread a true and rewarding path as the next few months play out.

I'm sticking around for the next week and a half for sure, but man, 4 nights a week just sucks!

Romero on the Radio

Anthony Romero was on the Public Radio program Your Call on Monday morning, and it was a great interview. It was fantastic to hear the head of the ACLU talk about everything I'm focused on each and every day. I tried to call in and ask a question and tell him how rewarding canvassing has been, but the station's phone system was having some technical difficulties.

You can hear the whole interview here.

(oh and thanks Lu for letting me know he was on! I was quite happy to hear him speak.)

Onward and Upward

Well, Friday turned out to be just as good as I hoped. Me and the new canvasser collected a total of $410, and about 5 new members. And tonight was even better. 12 members and over $1000 in donations from my team. We're done with North Beach and have moved on to the Sunset. The Inner Sunset is going to be a gold mine of potential ACLU members, I think. Lots of young professionals, new families, doctors, nurses and recent grads that are all very ripe and ready to join on up. If tonight is any example, we're going to do very well there.

However, walking in to work this afternoon, I really wasn't sure how much longer I'd be doing this. I received a call from the Director on Saturday afternoon (while at AT&T Park, watching the Giants lose, again.) and he informed me that the schedule was changing. Sunday/Monday would be the days off, and instead of just 3 nights of door canvassing (the 2pm-10pm shift), there would instead be 4 nights. And really, that just does not work for my personal life.

Lu and I talked it over all weekend, and decided that if that new schedule was firm and unchangeable, that I would definitely have to move on. I love doing this, but I refuse to let my work consume my life. I would never see my awesome wife, I would never have time for delicious dinners with friends, I would be unable to see music on a week night, and I really would not have the time to unwind, read and relax that I need to be a happy, healthy person. So first thing today, the Director and I talked, and the outcome was quite good.

He understands my need for a balance of work and life. He realizes that I'm not just some kid doing this for the summer or between jobs. I've made it clear through my words and actions that I want to try and make grassroots political organizing my career, and I've done everything I can to be an asset to the office. So instead of just letting me go, he agreed that perhaps a more palatable schedule can be arranged if I become the Assistant Director. No Saturday canvassing. Two nights off during the week.

And I am absolutely thrilled to take on this challenge. It will mean a few extra hours here and there, as well as a whole heap of added responsibilities, but I'm ready for it. I'm more than ready, really. I'm totally fucking psyched, and I can't wait to take this next step helping the ACLU grow and to continue fighting for our civil liberties.

We're heading back into the foggy Sunset tomorrow, and I'm certain we're going to kick ass, again.

Dear Union Street, Filbert Street and most of all, Taylor Street,

Thanks for nuthin!


Macondry Lane, on the other hand, was the only saving grace of an otherwise terrible evening. I was hopeful when I stumbled into the tree-shaded, cobblestone alley with whole bunch of apartments tucked away. And that hope was well-founded, because only people on that calm, secluded lane decided to become members tonight.

On Union it was so loud, I was not surprised that people didn't want to come downstairs, or open the door. On Filbert I hit a section where there were many people that spoke no English. Taylor, however, was the place where I was called an Asshole, One of the Bad Guys and that I should get the F*ck off of His Property. When I left, wishing him a polite good night, he replied that I, instead, should have a Bad Night.

Really? That's what he wanted, Mr. Taylor? It seemed to me that instead he was projecting the dismal night of sadness and boredom he was about to have. His wife was quite nice and polite when I spoke to her, initially. She declined, I thanked her for her time as she shut the door, and then I rang the next bell. He really didn't have to come downstairs and interrupt my conversation with his neighbor. I had already moved on and would not be bothering him again. But he really didn't like that the ACLU had defended Al Sharpton, and he wanted to let me know it!

The creepy thing was him staring at me out his front window about an hour later when I was back on that block doing callbacks on addresses that had not answered, or asked that I come back later. Obviously, his door I would not be knocking on again.

His aggression definitely got my heart pounding a bit, but in the end all I could do was feel bad for him. I was nothing but polite and left as soon as he became agitated, but the rage I felt coming off of him made me wonder if he was about to take a swing. But he was old and small so I knew that probably wasn't going to happen. It wasn't a pleasant way to end the my first sweep of those streets, and the night didn't improve much from there.

Really, Macondry was the only nice part of the whole shift. I ducked back into that Lane during my callbacks, and I noticed right away how cool, quiet and sedate that shaded little lane was. Lu would demand a house there. And I'd be okay with that, too, I think!

Well, tomorrow is Friday, and I have a feeling there are a shitload of people out there just itchin' to sign up. In fact, I'm sure of it. Look for me on the street, I'll be spinning a clipboard, waiting for your signature and support. And if you say no, that's fine. I've heard far worse.

Oh and speaking of, there's 2 stories from last Friday that I have to remember to write up. Hilarious moments in the Castro. Pure awesomeness. Last Friday I only made $10. I'm hoping for a lot more tomorrow!

Fixing it on the Fly

Craziness out there on the blocks of N. Beach tonight. As Field Manager, I draw up the maps for the other canvassers on my crew. The Director gives me an area, and then it's my job to work through it effectively and efficiently with my crew. Each night a canvasser is assigned about 3-4 primary streets and then 1-2 secondary streets.

Today I mapped them right smack into the middle of Chinatown. Yeah, not good. One might even call it Big Trouble. But my crew rocked and we got it figured out. I sent them north and west, out of those streets filled with shops, and with people that don't--on the whole--speak much English. Still managed to get 16 new members, and several of them will be contributing monthly. Even better, one canvasser absolutely crushed his goal and set up the office for a great week. But if I hadn't fucked up completely, that would have never happened. Challenges are simply opportunities from the wrong angle. Tonight we spun it in our favor.

I wonder, though, how the media will spin this new development in the Darth Cheney v. Congress battle. Here's the deal: The Prez and VP are supposed to tell the Information Security Oversight Office at The National Archives "how much material they classify and declassify." Not even what, just how much. VP D. Cheney refuses to do that. So now a Senate Appropriations Panel is refusing to fund the VP's office. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Maybe this time that long-sought creature called Accountability will pop in from Pluto and play.

This country is in crisis, but it just may be our chance for some positive change. We must be bold, though, because that is who Fortune favors.

Dubs Getting Desperate?

I guess the only thing that W really worries about is political support. Not actually winning this awful war in Iraq. Not paying any attention to the majority of people in this country that want it to end. Not the soldiers and ex-generals that have called for it. Certainly not the Democratic Party's feeble, half-assed requests for an end to fighting.

But the last pillars of support are finally beginning to weaken. Republican Senators are starting to wobble. The Democrats are asking tough questions and demanding information about the Iraq War, the Justice Department firings, and Libby's commuted sentence. Senator Kucinich is submitting Articles of Impeachment for Darth Cheney. Meanwhile, W is throwing "Executive Privilege" at anything that moves. The scent of desperation is in the air.

I really think they thought they could get away with it all. And truthfully they still just might. But I have no doubt that history will judge these two so-called leaders as incompetent, cowardly and extremely detrimental to both America as a country and its reputation in the world.

I am hopeful, though, that the slow wheels of justice will continue to turn, and that maybe, just maybe, before 2009 rolls around, we will be able to witness the amazing power of the Constitution at work.

The People are Not Amused

Covering some turf back in the city again, and it's nice stickin' around in town. Hit up North Beach today with 3 others and we had an excellent evening. Together we gathered over $1000 in donations, and made 15 people new ACLU members. Today was my first official day as field manager, and it went well. I like getting the team amped up, and having the added responsibility of scouting nearby streets for our next door-to-door effort in the 'hood.

The nooks and crannies of the streets above Washington Square Park are very interesting to stroll through. Crazy staircases, hidden alleys, parakeets screeching in the sky above and incredible views of the Bay make for a fun night of walking.

A big topic of conversation tonight at the various doors was W's pardon of Libby. The People are not amused. They know exactly why he did what he did, and they are disgusted that lying about the leak of a covert operative's name is really no big deal to this Administration. Craven is the only way to describe W's actions.

In fact, this type of behavior by the President goes a long way in motivating people to sign up for the ACLU. So thanks Dubs, you helped us rock tonight! Here's a little perspective on how the political systems works, too. Conscientious objector spends 15 months in prison. Convicted perjurer gets nothin'.

Also, check out this interesting case of The People standing up for their rights. Silver Spring, MD leased a street to a private developer, and that developer has banned photography. However, there is no law prohibiting photography there. Yesterday 100 photographers showed up to test their civil liberties. (via boingboing.net)

Last offering for tonight is a funny little cartoon about how Dems are Cats and Repubs are Dogs.

Called Out

So here's what Olberman thinks W's and Cheney should give us as their Independence Day present. Their resignations.

Democrats Respond

Here's a nice roundup of responses to Bush commuting Libby's sentence.


Well tonight was decidedly not awesome. Definitely the worst night I've had out there, and I'm not quite sure what I was doing wrong. Talked to about 50 people, but most of them waved me off before I could even get going. A few listened but then declined. A few others were actively anti-ACLU, and one old man even called the group "a bunch of criminals" and me a "bastard." There was spittle involved. It wasn't pretty.

I did talk to a couple of individuals that were members, but neither of them wanted to donate again tonight.

It's my first night since I started where I made $0. I guess the streak had to end sometime, but I'm not thrilled it was this week, which is only 4 days because of the 4th on Wednesday. Some people are working on Saturday to make up for it, but Lu and I will be north and east, at the High Sierra Music Festival. Really looking forward to that!

The 'hood I was in was nice, but there was definitely a conservative bent to the locale. The view was rather awesome, though, with SFO down below in the distance, right next to the water. Sunset was gorgeous, and it was fun to watch the planes take off and land.

I think the part that bothers me the most isn't even the lack of new members, but rather the fact that almost no one even wanted to give me the time of day. I was a lonesome ghost rattling the chains of constricted liberty tonight, but the hood I haunted was empty of empathy.

PS... to say that I'm disgusted by Dubs would be a vast understatement. I'm not at all surprised he commuted Libby's sentence, but it's still a complete miscarriage of justice.



