Reminding the Dumbasses In Congress What the Consti-fucking-tution Says That They are Supposed To Be Doing
Published Thursday, July 26, 2007 by Bones | E-mail this post
Seriously people, it is time to stop fucking around. Do you give a shit about the
Constitution? Do you care, at all, about what the
Bill of Rights actually *says*? It is time--long past time, really--for everyone to get their heads out of their collective, complacent asses and hold this Administration accountable for completely undermining the basic tenets of our (now obviously) fragile democracy.
The American Civil Liberties Union called on Congress today to reaffirm itself as an equal branch of government and vote to hold White House officials in contempt for refusing to cooperate with legitimate congressional subpoenas. Calling this a constitutional crisis that threatens to destroy the separation of powers, the ACLU reminded Congress that its oversight and legislative role are vital.
The word "duh" does not even begin to express the amount of asskicking and faceslapping I want to do to Congress to somehow wake them the hell up.
Start. Doing. Your. (gavelbanging, fundraising, privatejetflying) Job.
No one is going to do it for you, or more importantly, for us. And apparently, I have to remind you again, LIBERTY CANNOT DEFEND ITS FUCKING SELF. Neither can the Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights.
People, actual humans like you and me, we have to defend those inanimate pieces of paper that are filled with profound and amazing ideas (and ideals.) There are other people in our country that would prefer to white-out, tear-up, dis-regard, ig-nore and de-stroy the rules and instructions that make our country work. These 'other people' are the individuals that make up the highest levels of our government, and Congress must do everything in its power to stop them.
Constitutional Republic is at stake. When will Congress awake?