federal insipid stupidity activity

Personal and Real

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There were Redwoods in the yards of the Palo Altians I canvassed tonight. They were in various yards the other nights we were down there, but I forgot to mention it. Which is weird, because the Redwood-Tree-in-yard phenomenon is something I would like to be a part of. If there's a cooler tree out there, I don't want to know about it.

1 new member tonight, who also elected to be "Sustainer." Which means he will be giving a modest contribution every month for the next year. That makes him a serious member. That makes him a Guardian of Liberty. If you want to be one of those, too, let me know. One other person donated, as well, but she did not want to become an official member, yet. But at least she knows we're out there, now.

Met a cat tonight. His name was Stormy. Our first encounter was on his driveway, where he told me that he liked headrubs. Since I have a cat of my own that thinks headrubs are second only to food, I knew where Stormy was coming from. On my stroll back along the other side of the block, Stormy stopped by again, and I chilled with him on the corner while I sat for a bit and drank some water. Of course there were more headrubs. Clearly he deserved them.

It is very interesting to be an observer of a neighborhood for a few hours. I've learned the ebb and flow of suburbia in a way I've not noticed for a long time. And the last time, it was as a participant, back when I was young. Now having lived in cities for many years, this environment is both striking in its vast difference from urban life, and powerfully familiar as the setting for my childhood.

The coolest thing I saw today was a prefabbed skateboard ramp. Re-enforced, slightly sloping plastic about a foot high, with a perfect curve and lip. And wouldn't you know it? Seeing it for the first time tonight, I actually saw 3 of them. 2 at one house with a block in the middle, making an excellent street skateboarding prop; then a third one, alone, near a stationary skateboard at a house about an hour later. I would have wanted one of those back when I was 14. Instead we had to figure out how to build them.

Next time I won't have to just describe an awesome little find like that. Lu found our missing camera, so from now on expect images from the street. There are so many cool details of the world I get to study in between blowing minds. I'm really excited about adding some images to this chronicle of canvassing.

Oh and my knuckles hurt today. I like the knock instead of the ring or door-knocker. The knuckle-knock seems more personal and real. And seriously people, if I'm anything, I'm personal and real.



