federal insipid stupidity activity

We The People

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A big thank you to Noe Valley today. Tons of ACLU members, lots of people that stopped to talk, and several that decided to go ahead and join on up. One gentleman was quite generous and made my day and week! (as well as the ACLU's.) It was a great Friday in that regard.

Not so good that The W. House decided *not* to have that Gitmo meeting that was leaked to the press yesterday, and initially tried to deny that it had anything to do with the news report. More from Think Progress here.

Here's another news report about habeas corpus (or the lack thereof), and then here is a short essay that very succinctly describes what is at stake. Currently, every single citizen in this country is living without one of the most essential rights of American Democracy.

You have been for several years now. It's not going to change unless we do something about it. Us. We. The government is supposed to work FOR us, not against us. Habeas corpus is essential for our society to continue to function and thrive. We must have it back. Next week we're demanding it, again.



