federal insipid stupidity activity

ACLU update (NSL and MCA)

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The National Security Letters that the FBI uses to spy are "still too weak," according to the ACLU, and that "it doubted the new guidelines will be sufficient to protect the privacy of Americans."

But there has been good news re: the Military Commissions Act. Nice to see the Senate Judiciary Committee taking some action.

Off to hit the hills in a few hours. Not sure where we're going tonight, but it's friggin hot out there. (or so reports the wife). Dressing for the fickle weather of San Francisco is not easy. On Tuesday it was nice all day, then right at sunset the wind picked up and the temperature dropped fast. I was on the streets above Noe which made it especially blustery, and I was not prepared for the cold. But about a half an hour later as dusk really sunk in, I noticed the wind had stopped completely and it was actually rather warm again. I'm hoping it stays warm all night, but I'm bringing a hat just in case.



