federal insipid stupidity activity

A Spring in my Sore Steps

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I started this post complaining about the people that didn't stop to talk to me today. But that's the wrong approach. That's not where I should be focusing right off the bat. I have to be patient with the masses. Until yesterday, I was one of them. Until yesterday I blew past every canvasser on the planet without so much as a glance. Time was something I didn't have much of, and money even less.

Some did stop, though. Some did take a moment to listen, many expressed support even as they passed, and a few gems even went so far as to step up and become members. I signed one person to be a monthly contributor to the ACLU, and with that signature, I went from a 'trainee' to 'staff'. I'm very happy to be officially on the team.

It was hot out there today, but as tired as I was from standing and walking for hours on end, I found somewhere a spring for my steps that bounced me all the way home.

This is the first time I have ever been a grassroots activist, and it feels really fucking good. My legs, however, are sore as hell. There are hills in my future tomorrow and many doorbells to be rung. I hope they are ready for me. I am definitely ready for them.



