federal insipid stupidity activity


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Hot out there in the suburbs. And that heat was highlighted even further with the billowing clouds of gray smoke pouring from the hills above Palo Alto. Helicopters, planes, streets blocked off by police and crazy traffic proved that there was a major fire up there. For several hours as I walked the tree-shaded blocks I could see the smoke wafting up into the sky.

We were only a few blocks away from where we last canvassed the suburbs, but the people in this area were much, much nicer. Had a whole bunch of great conversations and even got 4 people to become members. That's a great way to start off the week.

ACLU Day of Action in DC tomorrow. Looking forward to the news coverage of that!

And if you're for habeas corpus, you're against Mitt Romney. He's got a great big hard-on for Gitmo. He doesn't quite seem to get that holding people indefinitely without charging them with a crime or allowing them to stand before a judge and defend themselves goes against everything that America is founded upon.

Also, big props to Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel. He's going to introduce an amendment that will cut off funding to Darth Cheney's office. Since Sith Lord Cheney has claimed that the VP's office is not part of the Executive branch, then the office should not be funded through the Executive branch. Which of course belies the utter stupidity of Cheney's claim.

Started training to be a Field Manager today. I'm psyched. I like being in charge and I think I'll do well in that role. I'm 10 years older than nearly everyone else in the office, so it does kinda make sense to have a leadership role.

Alright, time for my daily dose the Daily Show!



